Christian Education

We love families and offer help in the training and instructing of their children.

We as a church cannot replace the ministry of parents. Rather, we can provide you with clear teaching to strengthen your own grasp on the faith you wish to communicate to your children. From the pulpit to the classroom, and in the PCA as a whole, the emphasis is on the authority and practical teaching of God’s word.

On the Lord’s Day we offer youth Sunday school classes for school-age children, to reinforce the Biblical values you desire them to know and live by. Together, we can help the next generation acquire a Biblical understanding of themselves, the world, and their place in it.

Youth Sunday School Classes:

Ages 3-17

Nursery Care:

Our nursery is provided for newborn children through age 3 during our morning worship service, and through age 2 during the Sunday school hour. The goal of the Redeemer Presbyterian Church Nursery is to offer quality care for your child while you attend church functions. Our Nursery Team consists of two adult staff members who are trained in our secure childcare policies and child safety. They also strive to make your child’s earliest church encounters loving and nurturing experiences.

Online Resources:

Children’s Catechism